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Donate to the
Hampton Yacht Club

Thank you to our 2024 Donors -- see the list

Thank you for visiting our Donate page. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you experience any difficulty in using this page or if you have any questions or comments.

The Foundation is classified as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.​​ Your selection will generally be treated as a charitable donation by you.


See what we did with your 2024 Donations.

Select below from various giving options including


  • Write a check

  • Use a credit card (PayPal)


  • Donate a Car or Boat (coming January 2025)

15% of all restricted Donations are applied as unrestricted Donations for use as the Foundation Board determines for Junior Sailing, Scholarships or other Mission purposes (including necessary overhead such as web costs, filing tax returns, etc.).

Write a Check

Send a check to the Club addressed to the Foundation and made out to “Hampton Yacht Club Foundation” or “HYC Foundation”.

​Credit Card

Just click the "Donate to the Foundation" button above and you will be redirected to our PayPal page. There you will have the ability to make a one-time Donation or a recurring Donation as well as to make a restricted or unrestricted Donation (and to specify general Junior Sailing, Bumps Scholarship or the Amazon Wish List).

Monthly Member Statement --Spread the Love and Donate on Your Monthly Member Statement

You may elect to have $10, $25 or $50 billed on a monthly basis to your Statement and donated by you to the Foundation.

The election is only good for the current calendar year and automatically stops each December 31 unless you sign a new election Form.  The Foundation will reach out to Statement donors each October and ask if you wish to sign a new election Form for the next calendar year.

The election Form also allows you to choose how your donation is to be applied -- unrestricted but limited to our Mission, restricted to our Bumps Scholarship program or restricted generally to support Junior Sailing including Scholarships and the Amazon Wish List.

You may make your election in one of two ways.

You may print the election Form, complete and sign it and leave it in the Foundation's mailbox in the Club Office or you may complete the electronic election Form here.

What could be easier for you and your wallet or pocketbook?

Make a tax free Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your IRA


Are you 70 ½ years old and have an IRA? Are you subject to the dreaded Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs). Even if you are not subject to RMDs yet, let us help you turn your IRA withdrawals into tax free Qualified Charitable Distributions (CQDs).


Qualified individuals may transfer up to $100,00 to charity tax free each year. Normally, distributions from a traditional IRA are taxable when received. With a QCD, however, these distributions become tax free so long as they are paid directly from the IRA trustee (for example, Fidelity, Raymond James, Charles Schwab, Legg Mason) to the Foundation. The QCD option is available regardless of whether you itemize deductions.

Using a QCD may actually net you more money for your after-donation, after-tax, pocket. For example, assuming that you are in a 25% income tax bracket, and that you wish to take a $10,000 IRA distribution and make a $2,500 donation to the Foundation, a QCD might actually leave an extra $625 in your pocket. See the example.


For more information about the impact of a QCD for you, or about whether you are subject to Required Minimum Distributions, please contact your financial advisor. If you or your financial advisor require more information from the Foundation, please contact us.

Have Your Employer Double Your Donation

at No Cost to You

Many employers have programs to match all or a portion of your donation. For example, you donate $100, they donate $100, you donate $500, they donate $500. You will be credited in the Foundation’s Donor Circle for the full amount of your Donation and your employer’s match.

What an amazing way to donate more money, and helping your Foundation, at no additional cost to you!

Check here for a partial list of area employers with Employee Donation Match Programs. Don't see your employer on the list? Ask your Human Resources department. Please Contact Us if you need additional information, including supporting documentation for your employer.

Did you know that Junior Sailing has an Amazon Wish List of inexpensive equipment needs? They do and most items are under $50.


There are two ways to do this.

Easy Way -- Pick a Donation Amount and Let Junior Sailing Choose the Item. Just click the "Donate to the Foundation" button above, plug in an amount, select “Amazon Wish List”, pay and you’re done – the Foundation and Junior Sailing will pick an item and donate it in your name to Junior Sailing.

Plan B -- Pick an Item.  Check out the Amazon Wish List, pick out an item, go through the checkout process without actually paying, determine the full price with sales taxes and delivery and donate the full checkout amount to the Foundation as an “Amazon Wish List” item just as you would if you were doing it the “Easy Way”. You will receive an e-mail from the Foundation asking you to confirm which item you wish to purchase.

Bumps Scholarship

Donate to the Vernon G. Eberwine, Jr. “Bumps” Scholarship Fund. The Scholarship was established in February 2017 in memory of Vernon G. Eberwine, Jr., to enable deserving youth to participate in Hampton Yacht Club’s summer sailing programs. Learn more about the Bumps Scholarship here. You may donate in any amount.

Vernon G. "Bumps" Eberwine Jr.

Legacy Donation

Consider making a planned legacy donation as part of your estate planning process. Contact Us if you are interested. We have simple paper work which you can use as part of this process. Be sure to involve your estate planner.

Naming rights on Junior Sailing boats/sails

Please Contact Us if you wish to receive naming rights on Junior Sailing boats or sails. This type of donation is considered on a case-by-case basis.


Hampton Yacht Club Foundation

4707 Victoria Boulevard

Hampton, Virginia 23669

©2023 by Hampton Yacht Club Foundation. Proudly created with

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