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High School c420 Clinics -- Kites & Wires

The Foundation is offering four full Scholarships for Hampton Roads High School sailors wishing to attend a HYC Junior Sailing c420 Clinics, a/k/a Kites & Wires. The Junior Sailing program is presently deciding what type of Clinics to offer and when. Stay tuned for further information.


This is a need based Scholarship.


Interested?  Learn more, see if you're eligible and apply for a Scholarship.


The main purpose of the clinics are to focus on how to correctly sail the spinnaker and use the trapeze as well as a focus on boat handling and boat speed.


The Kites & Wires Team, as it is also known,  is intended for High School racers ages 14-18.


Additional requirements are:

  • You must be actively sailing in VISA in good standing

  • Include a letter of intent explaining your sailing experience, what you hope to get out of the Program and why you are applying for this scholarship

  • Provide a Coach's recommendation and endorsement of your basic sailing skills


This Scholarship will only be available to the first four applicants who satisfy the Scholarship requirements so apply sooner rather than later.​


This is a need based Scholarship. For 2025, family household income must be less than $115,000 (2 adults in household)/$85,000 (1 adult in household) for the High School c420 Program.


Interested? Apply for a Scholarship. The deadline to receive your Application will be established once the Junior Sailing Program has set the details on the Clinics.  The HYC Foundation Scholarship Committee will notify all applicants of their status promptly after receipt of their complete Application.


Scholarships are closed for 2024.

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