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Request to Make Donation to HYC Foundation Through My HYC Monthly Statement for Calendar Year 2025

I request that the Hampton Yacht Club (the "Club") include on my monthly Club Statement a billing for a monthly donation to the Hampton Yacht Club Foundation (the "Foundation") in the amount checked below and understand that this amount will be charged to me on my monthly Club Statement starting with the first Monthly Statement issued after the Club's receipt of this Request, assuming it is received by the 15th of the month.

Please select you Donation amount

For Foundation Use: I also request that the Foundation use my Donation in accordance with my election below:

Since the Club pre-bills their Members in advance of the month due, I further understand that this request is effective for Club monthly billings issued through November 30 of the Year stated above and that I must submit a new Request form for each subsequent calendar year if I desire to continue to make contributions to the Foundation through my Club monthly billing.

** The Foundation deposits 15% of all restricted Donations into its unrestricted Donations account to be used by the Foundation as it believes is need for Junior Sailing, Scholarships or other Mission purposes (including necessary overhead such as web costs, filing tax returns, etc.).

When your Form is received, you will receive an e-mail from the Foundation  requesting that you confirm your submission. This is for security. For your protection, the Club Office will not consider your Form submitted until you respond to the confirmation e-mail.

Thank you for your support!

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